1. framrosetta::bk_lookup_chin
    Lookup table for Chinook stock IDs from BkFRAM to normal FRAM
  2. framrosetta::fishery_chinook_fram
    Chinook fishery information
  3. framrosetta::fishery_coho_fram
    Coho fishery information
  4. framrosetta::rmis_fram
    Lookup table for FRAM to RMIS recoveries
  5. framrosetta::stock_chinook_fram
    Chinook stock information
  6. framrosetta::stock_coho_fram
    Coho stock information
  7. framrosetta::timestep_chinook_fram
    Chinook timestep information stock information
  8. framrosetta::timestep_coho_fram
    Coho timestep information stock information
  9. framrosetta::tocas_fram
    Lookup table for FRAM to TOCAS
  10. framrosetta::waft_fram
    Lookup table for FRAM to WAFT
  11. TAMMsupport::fishery_chinook_fram
    Chinook fishery information
  12. TAMMsupport::fishery_coho_fram
    Coho fishery information
  13. TAMMsupport::stock_chinook_fram
    Chinook stock information
  14. TAMMsupport::stock_coho_fram
    Coho stock information
  15. TAMMsupport::timestep_chinook_fram
    Chinook timestep information stock information
  16. TAMMsupport::timestep_coho_fram
    Coho timestep information stock information